Green Mamba Male Enhancement Pill delivers Maximum Power (Triple Maximum)! The effects of 1 Green Mamba Male Enhancement Pill will last for 7 days! Increase your staying power during intercourse. Increase your size by increasing your thickness and length. Increase your stamia. Designed by a Doctor, no prescription is required. Get rock hard erections, an explosive orgasm and better ejaculation control.
To Use: Take one capsule 30 miutes prior to intended sexual activity with a glass of water.
Green Mamba is a product of SX Power Co, the same producer of original Black Mamba Pills.
Ingredients: Proprietary blend of Lyco-Penne, Tribulus Terrestirs, Yohimbe L-Arginine, Damiana Leaf, Guarana, Maca, Vitamin C, Vitamin B-12, Vitamin D3, Zinc Oxide
These statements have not been evaulated by the Food and Drug Administration.